Fracture Care Orthopedic Doctor in El Paso, TX
Fracture Care
Fracture Care Orthopedic Doctor
Fractures are the most common type of sports injury. Lower leg fractures, in particular, are one of the more serious injuries that can occur, and require immediate medical attention. In some Cases, depending on the severity of the fracture, surgery may be required.
Dr Thabet is an orthopedic surgeon with extensive training & experience treating patients with all types of fractures, including the most severe and complex cases.
Upon arriving at the office, Dr. Thabet will assess the injury through examination & imaging and make a recommendation based on all the options available.
Types of Fractures Dr. Ahmed Thabet Treats:
Open Fractures
An open fracture occurs when there is a break in the skin near the site of the fracture, generally due to blunt force trauma. The only visible sign may only be localized swelling at the site of injury; however, fractures can sometimes cause extensive damage to surrounding soft tissue (muscles and tendons). This type of injury often requires surgery to ensure proper healing.
Hairline Fractures
Occur when an incomplete break in the bone results in a visible line of demarcation. This type of fracture generally heals on its own; however, if the stress continues or it is re-injured, it can eventually become a complete (or “Complete”) bone break.
Transverse Fractures
This type of fracture means that both sides of the injured bone are parallel to one another. This type of break can be extremely unstable because it does not allow for proper alignment during healing. This requires surgery to correct so bones can heal properly. Often times after surgery these fractures are supported with metal hardware to provide stable fixation while they heal.
Closed Fractures
This type of fracture occurs when the bone breaks but the skin does not break at the site of injury, making it less likely for bacteria to invade and cause infection. However, since there is no break in the skin, close monitoring is necessary to prevent serious complications.
Stress Fractures
A stress fracture occurs when tiny cracks develop in one or more bones due to repeated force over time (such as during activities like running). This type of fracture often causes very little pain; however, if left untreated, it can become a complete (or “Complete”) fracture leading to more severe symptoms.
Compression Fractures
A compression fracture is a condition in which the space between the vertebrae (bones that make up the spine) narrows due to bone damage. This can cause pain and sometimes deformity of one or more bones. The most common type occurs when the bones in the spine collapse due to osteoporosis.
Complete Fractures
This type of fracture occurs when the bone breaks completely through. The area around the break will appear swollen and deformed, and there may be extensive bleeding into nearby tissue or open skin wounds at the site of injury. People with this kind of break often need surgery to stabilize the fractured bones so they can heal properly.
Greenstick Fractures
Greenstick fractures are common in children under age 10 because their skeletons are softer than those of adults. They occur along only one side of the bone where it bends easily under pressure. The impact can cause the bone to snap on one side but leave the other side intact.
Comminuted Fractures
A comminuted fracture is when an object or force hits and splinters the bone into pieces.
Different Ways Dr. Thabet Treats a Fracture
Plaster Casts
Plaster casts are a great way to prevent any unwanted movement and help bones heal faster. They’re common, especially with children who have active lifestyles that often lead them into fractures from falling down too many stairs or bumping into things while they’re running around outside playing tag!
During surgery to repair a bone fracture, Dr. Thabet will use tools like metal rods and screws that provide support for your broken bones while they are being held in place.
Splints and Braces
Splints & braces are used to immobilize the bone while providing support for fractures.
Traction is a short-term solution for those who have broken bones and cannot safely undergo surgery. While the patient remains immobile, a series of bars and pulleys (sometimes accompanied by pins) are used to elevate the broken bones, and realign them for proper healing.